Teacher: From where to where foreigner ruled us?
Student: I am not sure but I think from page 50 to 55...
Q: What is Grammar?
A: The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you’re shit.
Teacher: What are some products of the West Indies?
Student: I don't know.
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from?
Student: We borrow it from our neighbor..
Student: I don't know.
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from?
Student: We borrow it from our neighbor..
Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention here?
Student: yes mam, I am paying as little attention as i can. !!
Teacher: who will tell the chemical formula of water?
One student: Its "h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o."
Teacher: What is this?
Student: Mam, yesterday you told us that it is H to O !!
One student: Its "h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o."
Teacher: What is this?
Student: Mam, yesterday you told us that it is H to O !!